Shoulders of Faith Celebration


Shoulders of Faith Celebration

Invite Friends & Family Sunday, September 15

As Holy Cross Celebrates Shoulders of Faith,

Recognizing 161 Years of our Strong Catholic Faith.


Bishop Matano will Celebrate Mass with Us at 10:00 AM

followed by Festivities for all ages between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

  • Hot dogs, Chips, and Water Available
  • Activities & Games for Children, Teens, and Adults
  • Meet Ministry Leaders  & View Church History Exhibit
  • Tours of Church, School, & Lighthouse
  • Light the Way Concert

Now is the time for us to carry the faith into

the future as past generations have done.


What are we talking about?

Through this movement, our Stewardship Committee is encouraging all of us to reflect on the history of Holy Cross Church and consider how our generation can commit to maintaining and advancing the mission of our Catholic Faith here.

Holy Cross Food Pantry

Holy Cross Food Pantry

Our Pantry continues to need your help to keep our shelves stocked.

Please consider suggested donations of: cereal, jam or jelly, soup, toilet paper. All donations are greatly appreciated. NO dented, expired or opened items, please.

Thank you for your continued generosity. God Bless

Holy Cross Social Ministry Committee

The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)

When I was a child, the neighbor across the street attended a Catholic church that had newly opened. She introduced herself to the new pastor and told him she wasn’t a Catholic but loved coming to Mass. The pastor then asked her if she would like to become a Catholic and she responded, “I didn’t think anyone was ever going to ask me. Yes!”

How many people might you know who might be just waiting to be asked if they would like to become a Catholic? A simple invite might be all they need to begin on this journey of faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) are designed to welcome new members into our Catholic faith through a process of prayer, instruction in the faith, and rituals that celebrate different stages of the initiation process. Do you know someone who has at one time or other been curious about the Church but may never been baptized, or who has been baptized in another Christian faith community? Do you know someone who has not yet celebrated sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation?

In September we will be beginning a new group of adults and/or older teens who are interested in becoming members of our Catholic faith. Sometimes it is hard to ask the question but there may be someone in your family or social circle who is waiting for the invitation. Remind them that there are no strings attached to coming to an informational meeting in early September. Offer to attend the gathering with them and be willing to support them. The date will be announced in a week or so but it is not too early to plant the seed. Have them call either Holy Cross or Our Mother of Sorrows office and leave a message for Sister Kathleen O’Connell. I will then reach out to them and meet with them. See the front of this bulletin for office phone numbers and/or email.

– Sister Kathleen O’Connel