
Our Mother of Sorrows/Holy Cross  Combined Parish Council 2022-2023

About Our Parish Council:

Faith and Baptism call each Catholic to his or her unique role in the Church and in the world. The role of membership on the Parish Council is a call to exercise servant leadership. The 8 council members (4 from  each parish) have a vested interest in the life and development of the parish and want to help the pastor. Our Pastoral Council is not a group of experts in catechesis, liturgy, pastoral care or education. The Council’s primary gift is practical wisdom.

Meetings are open to all parishioners. Parishioners seeking Council consideration of a matter will submit it to the officers via email to for their decision to include it on an Agenda. Presenters seeking council action will be considered at the next meeting.

March 14, 2023 Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Dec 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Nov 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Oct 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Sept 13, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Meet Our Council Members: