
Blessing of Cemetery October 2021

Christmas Candlelight Mass 2022

Corpus Christi Procession 2021

Divine Mercy Sunday 2022

Easter Vigil 2022

Facebook Pics 2018

February Youth Skating Party 2023

First Communion 2022

First Communion Celebration 2021

Hands of Christ Recipients 2023

Holy Thursday 2022

Liturgy of Remembrance 2021

Liturgy of Remembrance 2022

May Day Crowning 2021

Memorial Day 2021

OMOS welcomes newly ordained Father Aaron Kelly 2022

Our Lady of Sorrows 2021

Pet Blessing 2022

Photos from Old Gallery 2018

Rosary Coast to Coast 2021 at Holy Cross 2021

St Joseph's Feast, Holy Week, and Easter 2021

Thanksgiving Mass 2022

Teens End of Summer Bash 2021