Becoming Catholic


The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) and older Children (OCIC) is the process that came out of the Second Vatican Council, which brings new members into the Catholic Church. Based on the model used by early Christian communities, it is a time of inquiry, instruction, faith sharing, discernment and bonding with the Our Mother of Sorrows and Holy Cross Community. Various members of the church communities will assist with the process, and it extends over several months.

If you, or someone that you know, is:

• A person who has not been baptized and would like to learn more about the Catholic faith with the possibility of becoming Catholic

• A baptized Christian of another denomination who would like to learn more about and possibly join the Catholic Church

• A baptized Catholic who has never received First Eucharist or Confirmation and would like to complete their sacraments

• A child over 7 who has never been baptized OR has been baptized in another Christian faith OR has been baptized Catholic and has never received Catholic instruction

…..then OCIA or OCIC may be the process for you as it offers an experience of support and guidance while you discover how God is working in your life.

For more information, please view this flyer, OCIA Info and please contact either the parish office, Amanuel Malik () or his assistant Anna Flaitz (), regarding OCIA or OCIC. We will be starting a new session in the Fall. Meanwhile, we encourage you to attend weekly Mass with us, take it all in, and get to know our faith community!