
The Sacrament of Reconciliation acknowledges God’s unconditional love for us as we turn to Him and to the Church for sacramental forgiveness and reconciliation. While catechesis for the Sacrament of Reconciliation is to precede First Eucharist, the principle of readiness for the celebration of the sacrament must be respected.

A child is to be considered ready when they have developed an awareness of love with God and neighbor. They must be able to distinguish between an accident, a mistake and a purposeful action. The child must also understand the need for forgiveness, not only from parents and others, but also from God.

At Our Mother of Sorrows, preparation for First Reconciliation begins in January with a group celebration of the sacrament during Lent. Children in the Diocese of Rochester preparing for sacraments must have two years of catholic school or faith formation education. The guidelines suggest at least two sessions for both parent and child. Families may choose to receive the sacrament any time during the year on an individual basis after preparation has been completed.

If you are interested in preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please contact Amanuel Malik in the Faith Formation Office 585-737-2039 or .