
First Eucharist, one of the sacraments of initiation, is the core of the Church’s sacramental life. As a sacrament of love and unity, the Eucharist celebrates and strengthens the bonds that exist among the members of the faith community.

Preparation for First Eucharist is a parish function, separate from school or faith formation. In keeping with the Diocesan guidelines, children must have two years of catholic schooling or faith formation, to begin preparation for any sacrament. At Our Mother of Sorrows, preparation includes 3 sessions for both children and parents, generally scheduled in the spring. Families may also choose to celebrate the sacrament at a later date at a regularly scheduled Liturgy.

If you are interested in preparation for the sacrament of First Eucharist, please contact Amanuel Malik at (585) 737-2093 or .