
Marriage is a sacrament instituted by God. It is an unconditional covenant “until death do us part” entered into between a man and a woman. The purpose of the sacrament is the good and happiness of the spouses and for the procreation and education of children. In order for the sacrament to be celebrated validly, it needs to be entered into by a couple who are free to be married in the eyes of the Church. The couple must have the right disposition and commitment. Anyone who has been in a previous marriage is not free to be married in the Church, unless there has been an annulment obtained through the Tribunal of the Diocese, which has jurisdiction in the matter. This applies to both Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

The appropriate location of a wedding, as a general rule, is the church at which the bride is a registered parishioner, if she is Catholic. If the bride is not Catholic, then the wedding is appropriately celebrated at the church of the bridegroom.

Catholics who wish to be married at Our Mother of Sorrows are expected to be practicing their faith by attending Holy Mass on a routine basis.

Preparation for marriage includes Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter. Couples who have been previously married will be referred to Remarriage Preparation with a mentoring couple. Couples will first be asked to complete a FULLY ENGAGED inventory. Pre-Cana, or their alternatives, should be completed by a couple at least six months before the wedding date.

When you contact the parish, one of our clergy will help you as a couple to progress toward your wedding day. Grace Hubbel, our Wedding Coordinator, will assist you with your rehearsal and any other needs, and she will be present to make sure everything goes as planned.


All inquiries about marriage should first be made to the Parish Office at 585-663-5432, or .