Youth Faith Formation

Dear Families,

Your family belongs to one of the four Eastern Greece/Charlotte parishes. While your home parish will be the primary resource for your children’s Catholic Faith Formation, your family can choose the faith formation (religious education) program that best suits your schedule and your child’s learning style. These options are: family inter-generational, weekly classes, summer camp, home study, and middle and high school programs.

Please contact Amanuel Malik regarding registration for each option.

Just a reminder that sacraments are celebrated in the family’s home parish. Contact your parish faith formation office for information about sacramental preparation.

Along with your present parish activities, there are Jr/Sr High Youth experience events planned by and for our teens, throughout our EG/C area and our diocese. These wonderful opportunities to gather all our area youth together include retreats, field trips, service opportunities and more.

You are your child’s first and best teacher of our Catholic faith. Our goal is to support you as your family continues on their faith journey. If you have questions or concerns, please call us. We would love to disucss these options with you and welcome the opportunity to work with you to determine what is best for your family.

God bless you and your family,

Amanuel Malik
Director of Faith Formation
663-2244 x 106

Cindy Lammes
Youth Ministry & Sacrament Coordinator
663-5432 x 126

Our Faith Formation Office is Looking for Volunteer Helpers

Do you enjoy working with youth and their parents, or have teaching experience, and/or are enthusiastic about sharing your faith with others? Do you enjoy making phone calls, organizing, data entry, making bulk copies, sending bulk mail, creating flyers, etc.? For more information about this opportunity to make a difference in the faith life our parish community, please email Amanuel Malik, Faith Formation Director, . Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering this invitation to serve your fellow parishioners.

All volunteers will have training, including Creating a Safe Environment (CASE) training, and a background check prior to providing service.