Blessed Grimaoldo Santamaria Altar Servers League

The Blessed Grimaoldo Santamaria Altar Servers League

We have renamed our altar server group to “The Blessed Grimaoldo Santamaria League,” honoring Blessed Grimaoldo, an altar server and devout in his faith.  His family moved from Italy to Rochester and worshipped at our Holy Cross Church.  His mother is buried in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery here in Rochester. We decided to rename our altar server group to honor his devotion to serving the  Mass and his family’s ties to Holy Cross.  We ask that each time an altar server serves Mass, they will remember and pray to Blessed Grimaoldo.  Ask him to pray to the Holy Spirit for you to give you the heart of a server so you can serve at the altar with passion.  Our Faith Community of Our Mother of Sorrows and Holy Cross  are excited that we have altar servers in this league.  Our parishioners love seeing you serve at his Altar.

If you would like more information, have questions, or would like to join, please email Fr. Justin Miller at or Donna Petrella at

Bless  the servers:

God of Glory, your beloved Son has shown us that true worship comes from humble and contrite hearts.  Bless our brothers and sisters

Who have responded to the needs of our parish

And wish to commit themselves to your service as altar servers.

Grant that their ministry may be fruitful and our worship pleasing in your sight.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord
