Prayer Shawl

We knit and  crochet prayer shawls/lap robes, knitted knockers for breast cancer survivors, and  winter wear that is distributed through the food cupboards.

The OMOS/Holy Cross Prayer Shaw Ministry meets the fourth Wednesday of the month downstairs in the hall at OMOS from 1:00 – 3:00 PM. We will gather together on the following dates:  April 26; May 24; June 28; July 26; August 23; September 27; and October 25. We do not meet in November or December.

Participants from both parishes are welcome to join us. Interested? Questions? Please call Alice at 227-5879.

In addition, several ladies have created items to donate to individuals in need of extra comfort, good wishes, and  prayers. Since there is always a need for our creations, we are excited that we can now meet together at OMOS to knit, crochet, socialize and pray together. We are most grateful for all the time and talent in our group.