Faith Formation Forms



With the many changes that we have faced in our family life due to the COVID pandemic, it is more important than ever to remind our children about the one thing that never changes, God’s never-ending love for us.  It is more important than ever for families to rely on their faith and deepen each member’s relationship with God and His Church.  Our OMOS Faith Formation Program is here to assist you in your responsibility as parents to nurture and pass on our beautiful Catholic Faith to your children.

It is never too late in the year to sign up for our Family Faith Formation Program as learning our faith is a lifelong pursuit!  Our OMOS faith formation program has two options to meet the varied schedules and lifestyles of our parish families while completing the 30 hours of instruction for each year required by the diocese:

  1. Hybrid In-person sessions/Home study – Families meet in person once or twice a month to study topics related to our Catholic Catechism and Traditions as well as Scripture topics.  We use discussion, activities, art and crafts, and media to learn with all ages.  Between sessions, families will be provided lesson plans and activity sheets for each month allowing families to spend time learning and exploring their faith together.
  2. Complete Home Study – Families can choose from a traditional textbook/activity book for each student or monthly lesson plan kits for all ages to learn together. For either plan, work is turned in at the end of each semester to the Faith Formation Office.

For more information, please contact Amanuel Malik at or 663-5432 ext. 18.


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