To Schedule a Funeral Date and Time for the Funeral Mass
The Funeral Home or the person calling (if no Funeral Home will be needed) in to schedule a Funeral Mass should be first calling into our Funeral Line at 585-208-3422 to reserve a date and time with our Funeral Administrator.
The Funeral Home or the person calling in will work with our Funeral Administer at Holy Cross Church or Our Mother of Sorrows to set up a date and time. Once date and time has been scheduled, the Funeral Coordinator will contact family member to schedule a date and time to meet at the Church to plan your loved one’s Funeral or Memorial Mass. Our Funeral Masses are celebrated at 10:30 AM.
The Liturgy of the Mass
We offer choices of Old and New Testament Readings and our Music Selections that the family will be able to choose from at the time of our meeting. We encourage you and your family to be a part of your loved ones Funeral Mass, by having family/friends read the Old and New Testament Readings, the Prayers of the Faithful, and with the Presentation of the Gifts. For the Prayers of the Faithful, your Funeral Coordinator will write up the Prayers and incorporate your family members from the obituary for a family member to read.
Our Parish Resurrection Choir will be available at each Mass. We will have Funeral Greeters to greet your family and friends at our doors to pass out your programs, direct where to sit and our restrooms.
For the convenience of the bereaved, the Our Mother of Sorrows or the Holy Cross Funeral Coordinator will be coordinating the Musicians for you.
Begin Your Planning Here
Personal Information for Funeral Mass
Words of Remembrance Guidelines 10.1
The Personal Information Sheet is the BIO on your loved one. We will be asking you to fill out information on your loved one, so that our Clergy can incorporate your information in his Homily.
At Holy Cross and Our Mother of Sorrows Churches, we allow one individual to give the Words of Remembrance at the Mass. The length should be no more than 7 minutes. If there are more family members that would like to speak, we would like to suggest at the Burial or at the Luncheon Gathering. This is an opportunity to share your thoughts on your loved one. Please note: If you or your family do not feel comfortable giving the Words of Remembrance, that is okay. This is not Part of the Roman Christian Funeral Masses.
For Funeral Programs: We do not create the Programs for the Funeral. Our Funeral Coordinator will email either the Funeral Home or a family member the completed Worship Sheet to create your program.
Pre-Planning a Funeral
Have you Pre-Planned Yet?
There is no time like the present to gather information.
- Provides Peace of Mind
- Saves your family the emotional burden of having to make decisions at a stressful time.
- Your personal needs and desires are met.
- Able to pay over time with no interest charges.
If you would like to sit down to Pre-Plan your Funeral Mass, please email: